Education Here are our new classrooms!

This week saw an immaculate cleaning of the two new classrooms by the pupils of the 7th grade and likewise new 8th grade in preparation for the unloading of a dusty but finally arrived container.

For a Swedish child, this may not have seemed overly exciting. But in Nakamtenga, being able to unload one´s own brand new school desk is a day of celebration. Your own desk! Which is not about to fall apart or has to be shared with other kids.

From the beginning with a humble pre-school, Yennenga has ventured along a path where classroom after classroom has been built, adding gradually yet another grade to primary and now lower secondary level. Since 2013, AJ Produkter based in Halmstad has been instrumental in this programme with modern and durable equipment. In all classrooms.

– Back then, we were contemplating how to become involved in a valuable project somewhere. But we did not want to allocate money in a general basket fund but identify something really concise, says Fredrik Hentz, who is head of products for the educational market.

– Working with Yennenga seemed both wise and with a long term perspective. It has been easy for us to follow exactly how the support is being implemented and how it brings results.

This time, AJ’s furniture included both student’s desks, tables, chairs and lockers for two new secondary school classrooms. Furthermore, AJ continues to fund the salary of Yennenga’s locally employed headmaster Pouswinde Yameogo.

AJ Produkter has expanded rapidly, today employing 800 staff producing for office, industry, warehouse and school. Too quickly to be able to keep all staff updated on Yennenga, says Fredrik Hentz.

– We started off well but intend now to be better at sharing developments in the field with our employees.

– We believe supporting Yennenga may also benefit ourselves since we are now part of the organisation’s broad network.